Unlike workations, business trips do not require an approval process. Throughout the processing stages of a business trip, both employees and HR admins have the flexibility to edit, cancel, or reschedule the trip as needed.
How to reschedule a business trip
To reschedule a business trip:
Click on the request to open the Trip details page.
Click on the Action button in the top right corner.
Select Reschedule from the dropdown menu.
Choose the new dates; both the original and new dates will be displayed for reference.
Confirm your changes by clicking on Update request to complete the rescheduling.
Note: Editing or rescheduling a business trip will generate a new request ID, which means a new credit/trip will be charged accordingly.
How to edit a business trip
To make changes to a business trip:
Click on the request to open the Trip details page.
Click on the Action button in the top right corner.
Select Edit request from the dropdown menu.
Apply changes to the trip dates or related questions.
Save your edits to finalize the changes.
Note: When editing a trip, all previous information will already be pre-filled for your convenience.
Re-submitting a trip
For customers who frequently go on the same business trips or workations, WorkFlex offers an easy way to streamline the process by duplicating trips.
Click on the trip request you want to re-submit.
In the drop-down menu under Actions, click on Re-submit.
You will be directed to the trip submission page, where all the trip information will be pre-filled for you.
You can modify the date or any other details as needed.
This option makes submitting a trip faster and easier and is available from both the HR and employee interfaces, regardless of the trip status.
How to cancel a business trip
To cancel a business trip:
Click on the request to open the Trip details page.
Click on the Actions button in the top right corner.
Select Cancel request from the dropdown menu.
Confirm your choice to complete the cancellation.