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Assistant function (Guideline for Assistants)
Assistant function (Guideline for Assistants)

How to use the assistant function in WorkFlex

David William avatar
Written by David William
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Assistant function in WorkFlex allows designated individuals to manage business trip requests on behalf of other employees, streamlining the process for HR departments and helping employees stay focused on their core tasks. As an assistant, once the role has been assigned to you by your HR admin, you can request trips for employees and manage their travel information.

Overview of the left menu

The left-hand side menu in WorkFlex is divided into two main sections:

  1. Assistant management: This section allows you to view and manage the travel requests of the employees you're responsible for. You’ll be able to see an overview of their upcoming trips, status, and more. This is where you'll interact with the travelers you manage.

  2. My Workspace: The second section is dedicated to your own profile, where you can view and manage your own travel requests and access the company’s travel policy.

Adding employees as an assistant

Once your HR admin assigns you the assistant role, you can start adding employees to your traveler list. However, before you can manage any employee’s trips, that employee must give their consent.

To add an employee, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "My travellers": From the left menu, click on “My travellers.” Here you’ll find an option to add employees.

  2. Choose an addition method: You have three options for adding an employee:

  • Add existing employee: Use this option if the employee already has an active profile on the platform. Simply type in their email, select them from the dropdown list, and click Save.

  • Invite new employee: If the employee doesn’t have a profile on WorkFlex, you can fill in their details (e.g., name, email, position) and then choose to either:

    • Send Invitation: This will send an email with both a consent request and an invitation to log in to the platform.

    • Create Profile Only: This option will only create the employee’s profile ]but without sending an invitation to log in to the platform.

    • Note: with this option no consent will be asked, please make sure you get the consent outside of the platfrom

  • Bulk Invite: If you need to add multiple employees at once, you can download an Excel template, fill it with the employees’ details, and upload it to send a bulk invitation.

Employee consent

Once the employee is added, they will receive an email notification requesting their consent to allow you to manage their WorkFlex account and business trip requests. It is crucial that each employee gives their consent for you to be able to manage their trips.

To provide consent, employees simply click the link in the email, review the consent form, and approve it. Once consent is given, you can manage their travel requests on their behalf.

Consent status

Once you send a consent request to an employee, they will be added to your travelers list, but their consent status will remain pending.
Once the employee provides their consent, the status will be updated to Yes, and you will then be able to manage their profiles and requests.

Managing requests for employees

After receiving consent, you’ll have a comprehensive view of all the employees you manage. You can view and edit their profiles and request trips on their behalf.

  • Requesting a trip: To submit a business trip request, navigate to the “Request trip” section, click on request a trip and choose to submit a business trip for an employee:

  • Choose the employee that you would like to request a trip for (only employees who have given their consent will appear in the list).

  • You will need to fill in details like the destination, dates, and purpose of the trip. You can also upload any relevant documents or notes for the trip.

  • Once the request is submitted, the employee will be notified, and you can track the status of the request in the "My requests" section.

  • Request overview: The assistant function gives you the ability to deep dive into each trip's risk assessment, review travel details, and ensure that all necessary documents are in place. You can simply click on any request in the employee requests to open the request details page.

Note: You can manage employee profiles and trip requests only after consent has been granted, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and company policies.

By leveraging the Assistant function, WorkFlex enables you to streamline the business trip process, making it easier to support your employees and manage travel requests efficiently.

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