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Description of risk assessment statuses
Description of risk assessment statuses

What do the risk assessment statuses mean and what do I have to do with a high-risk assessment?

Cara Benecke avatar
Written by Cara Benecke
Updated over a week ago

The WorkFlex Risk assessments for workations are clearly marked as No risk (green or yellow indication) and High risk (red indication).

Whether a request is No risk or High risk depends on various factors, e.g., travel duration, nationality of the traveler, professional status, etc. We take all these into consideration and compare the given facts from the information in your profile together with the trip details to the tax and labor laws of the destination country.

No-Risk assessment - GREEN

This WorkFlex request will unlikely trigger an employer compliance exposure. It will be covered by the WorkFlex No-Risk Workation coverage.

No-Risk assessment - YELLOW

This WorkFlex request will unlikely trigger an employer compliance exposure, but at least one of the risk dimensions may require some more attention. This WorkFlex request will be covered by the WorkFlex No-Risk Workation coverage.

The reason(s) why the assessment is yellow will always be stated on the first page of the assessment document.

Additionally, WorkFlex will recommend which measure(s) is/are to be taken to mitigate the risk(s).

High-Risk assessment - RED

This WorkFlex request will likely trigger an employer compliance exposure. It is recommended that this request will not be approved. WorkFlex No-Risk Workation doesn't apply to this request.

High risk assessments can appear for any destination, even within the EU. It all depends on the combination of profile information and trip details.

Instructions on how to mitigate the risks and turn the High-Risk into a No-Risk assessment will be given in the following pages of the document and are highly individual. If you will follow the recommended steps the possibility is high that your trip will be approved in the end.

Please reach out to our WorkFlex Support team via the support chat button if you have questions regarding your assessment.

If you want to learn more about the different risk dimensions and why it is so important to report all trips (even the short ones), feel free to check out our blog posts and whitepapers.

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