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Request process with travel management system (TMS)
Request process with travel management system (TMS)

What do I have to do when booking trips via travel management system (TMS)?

Cara Benecke avatar
Written by Cara Benecke
Updated over a year ago

This process only applies for business travels.

In case you are booking your business travels via an internal travel management system (TMS) like for example Travelperk, Navan, Lanes&Planes or other, the chances are high this TMS and WorkFlex are connected.

How to find out if your TMS and WorkFlex are connected?

The information if or if not your TMS is connected to the WorkFlex platform should be given to you in your internal information session. Whether it was an all-hands meeting, a web-based training or something else - your HR department knows everything about the integration with WorkFlex and has clearly informed you about the booking process.

  • In case you have been instructed to still book your business travels via your internal TMS, it has been connected to the platform.

  • If you have been instructed to continue to book your travel through a travel agency or other means than a TMS and then manually create a claim on the WorkFlex platform - then no TMS integration with WorkFlex has been performed.

How to submit a travel request via TMS

Once you have made your booking via the travel management system, a business

travel request is automatically created in WorkFlex. The WorkFlex engine pulls the required data (name, destination country and travel dates) from the booking confirmation which has been sent to you, too. Based on this data, WorkFlex creates a compliance

summary and takes all necessary compliance measures to minimize

compliance risks. When traveling to countries with complex regulations (e.g. Switzerland), WorkFlex will always contact you with an additional questionnaire, as special regulations must be taken into account there.

Please note: when traveling by car, you need to create and submit the request yourself via your WorkFlex account. Find out more about the why and how here.

Which documents to take along?

In general we recommend that you take all documents provided by WorkFlex along your entire stay abroad. Usually it is enough to carry them in digital format, however we recommend to you to keep all the documents available offline, too in case you will be requested to show them and have poor internet connection.

Which documents are available you can read in this article.

You will be informed via email as soon as your travel documents are ready. They can all be found in your travel request on the WorkFlex platform. Additionally they will be sent to you via email.

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